The primary function of the ayahuasquero is to interact with the spiritual realm through altered states of consciousness while guiding the experience through songs, or Icaros.
Since 2014, Matt and Jeanae have amassed over a decade's worth of support from many spiritual allies and protectors through their experiences with Ayahuasca and extensive time in the Peruvian Amazon doing master plant dietas. These experiences teach them how to navigate ceremonial energy, communicate with spirits, sing medicine songs, and hold a safe container for all participants.
Matt and Jeanae refer to themselves as Ayahuasqueros (healers who work exclusively with Ayahuasca) as the term 'shaman' is actually a Siberian word adopted by Europeans in the 1960s. Ayahuasquero is a more appropriate term to describe their work and also removes the negative association with the current wave of toxic new-age shamanism.
Learning to work with Ayahuasca is not a process that you graduate from. It is a continued journey of learning, growing, and gaining new skills. Jeanae and Matt stay dedicated to their craft by spending time in the Amazon every year and will be lifelong students of the medicine.
From addiction to ayahuasca, learn how Matt and Jeanae got involved in work with plant medicine, created New Life Rising Retreat, and grew into one of the most reputable and highest rated retreat in Costa Rica.

Our Ayahuasca Costa Rica ceremonies honor the traditions of Peruvian shamanism, taking place in darkness and guided by sacred medicine songs. Participants sit silently as Matthew and Jeanae prepare the sacred ceremonial space using Mapacho smoke to cleanse the energy and invoke the master plants they have worked with. This process establishes a protective barrier, ensuring a safe and sacred environment.
Each participant is given an introductory dose of Ayahuasca. We sit together in silence for 20 minutes and allow the medicine to take effect. Then Matthew and Jeanae will begin to guide the ceremony together. About an hour in, those who feel called may take an additional dose to deepen their experience.
Jeanae and Matt sing powerful Icaros, songs that have been passed through generations as well as their own unique songs received through deep work with Ayahuasca and other master plants. The ceremonies also include the sound of guitar, drums, gong, singing bowls, chimes, kalimba, and flute.
Matthew possesses a strong intuition and is highly sensitive to energetic subtleties. These skills help him to adapt the songs of the ceremony to meet the energy needs of the room. Jeanae has a very gentle and nurturing energy. Her singing and flute playing invite softness into the space. Matthew brings a grounded masculine energy while Jeanae brings a motherly feminine energy, creating a perfect balance and play between the two polarities.
The ceremony lasts about 4 hours. Matthew and Jeanae will close the ceremony with Mapacho, blowing smoke on each individual to close the Chakras and seal the night. After the ceremony, we have a cleansing fire under the stars and make sure everyone gets safely to their rooms.
Peruvian Mestizo Traditions and over a decade of ceremonial experience.
Matt and Jeanae are fortunate to have learned through a very powerful lineage of healers. In 2014, after deciding they wanted to dedicate themselves to working with Ayahuasca, they became students of world-renowned shaman Don Ron Wheelock, the 'Gringo Shaman' of Peru. Ron has been living in Iquitos, Peru for nearly 30 years and has amassed a wealth of knowledge on Ayahuasca, spirits, brew making, and Mestizo traditions. He is recognized as being one of the original pioneers of bridging the gap of Ayahuasca accessibility to the West.
Don Ron was born in Independence, Kansas. In 1996 he went to Peru looking for a spiritual teacher. Don Ron first drank Ayahuasca in Tamshiyacu with famed shaman Don Agustin Rivas Vasquez. While with Don Agustin, he made arrangements to return to begin the intensive training to become a shamanic healer himself using the South American plant medicine, Ayahuasca.
Don Ron stayed with Don Agustin for 5 months doing many plant diets. Don Ron then began working with Don Jose Coral Mori, the teacher of Pablo Amaringo and Eduardo Luna, the authors of “Ayahuasca Visions”. After studying with both Ayahuasqueros, he began working on his own in 2000.
After completing many master plant dietas under the guidance of Don Ron, Jeanae and Matt were able to connect more deeply to their spiritual lineage in 2022 by visiting the village of Tamshiyaco and spending time at the camp of Don Agustin and Dona Marlena. Don Agustin was 98 years old at the time of the visit and still leading ceremonies. He and Ron are both very well-respected members of their communities and overall incredible men.
Matt and Jeanae feel privileged to have been passed down Icaros and spiritual wisdom through a long lineage of powerful Peruvian healers.