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Our experience is all-inclusive, with no additional fees or hidden costs. The Ayahuasca Costa Rica retreat is a carefully curated program covering all your needs. We take the time to ensure everything is provided for you to have a safe and meaningful experience.


The pricing below covers accommodations, yoga, massage, beach trips, meals and transportation. There is no cost for the plant medicine or ceremonies.*

Note: Airfare is not included in the price.

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  • $3000 - PRIVATE ROOM -

  • (Price for one person in a private room. The cabin, bathroom and porch are shared (2 people per cabin).

  • $3500 - PRIVATE CABIN -

  • (Price for 1 person in a private cabin with full sized bed, private bathroom and porch.)

  • $6000 - PRIVATE COUPLES CABIN -  (price for 2 people in a private cabin with king bed and private bathroom.)


2 Ceremonies

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  • $3500 - PRIVATE ROOM - (Price for one person in a private room. The cabin, bathroom and porch are shared (2 people per cabin).

  • $4000 - PRIVATE CABIN - (Price for 1 person in a private cabin with full sized bed, private bathroom and porch.)


  • $7000 - PRIVATE COUPLES CABIN -  (price for 2 people in a private cabin with king bed and private bathroom.)


3 Ceremonies




We want you to understand our pricing structure. When researching Ayahuasca retreats you will find extreme cost variations from one retreat to another. These discrepancies can be confusing so we would like to make sure our guests understand why our prices are what they are. We try to keep our prices reasonable with consideration of the expense of running the retreat.

Culturally, we’ve been programmed to believe that higher-priced items/experiences intrinsically have a higher value/quality. To some extent, the old saying ‘you get what you pay for’ is true. However, with the growing popularity of Ayahuasca, there is no shortage of places popping up that are hoping to cash in despite having very little experience or proper training. As more and more ‘luxury’ Ayahuasca retreats are opening in Costa Rica and Ayahuasca retreat prices surge, we are getting more and more people contacting us and wondering – “Why are your prices cheaper than most of the rest?”

There are a lot of expenses that go into running a retreat and we understand that sometimes there is a bit of ‘sticker shock’ when seeing retreat prices but a large majority of those prices can be explained and justified. At the same time, when you look at places that are charging upward of $6000 and taking groups of 20 – 90 people, it’s pretty clear to see that the operation is money-motivated. You can read this blog which goes more in depth about ayahuasca pricing considerations of what to look for but here we just want to clarify and have transparency about what we charge and why we charge it.

We do this work out of a deep passion and a sense of gratitude for all that Ayahuasca has brought into our lives. While we're not driven by profit, we do need to support ourselves and our team, as this is our full-time work and sole source of income. Our goal is to offer fair, mid-range pricing that makes our retreats accessible to a wide range of budgets.



Prices in Costa Rica are typically about 3 times more expensive than anywhere else in Central/South America and are roughly on par with the United States. Factored into that are the general business expenses of property rentals, utilities, groceries, and transportation fees.


We are a small retreat and while we don’t have a large or expansive staff, we do want to make sure our little team feels apricated and is able to support themselves from this work without having to supplement with additional work during our time off. Running these retreats is an enormous effort on the part of everyone involved and because we have a small team, we all fill many different roles. Our time off is necessary to rest and have an energetic reset before the next group. Our staff payments ensure that we are able to support our team so they can be present to support our guests at every retreat without feeing burned out.


In addition to our core staff members, we also have additional support team that provide services such as massage and yoga at our retreat. 


We have monthly expenses for our website maintenance, website fees, marketing, payment processing fees and general updates/upgrades to our retreat space.


Our prices our listed with taxes built in.


We have expenses that go toward our ongoing education and training every year in Peru including flights and accommodations, payments to our teacher for his guidance and making sure that all of our costs are covered at home while we are gone (rent, bills, housekeeper, pet care, etc.) These trips are necessary for our continued growth and offer the best ceremonial experience for our guests. 


We hope to own our own retreat someday and because we don’t have ‘typical jobs’ we need to be extra careful about having an emergency fund and saving for potential retirement someday as we aren’t paying into any 401k every month. This work is very beautiful but it's also demanding. We work long hours during the retreats and sacrifice a lot but honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way. However, we also need to be able to sustain ourselves between each retreat during our ‘time off’ so we can continue to put all of our love, care and focus into these retreats.

Aerial View from Beach in Costa Rica at the Caribbean between Puerto Viejo and Manzanillo.


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